Autostrade per l'Italia
Autostrade per l'Italia
Emilia Romagna Area


Description of the asset

The project is a natural addition to the city's ring road system and envisages the connection of the Modena ring road - 'Complanare Luigi Einaudi' to the SS 623 Vignolese with rationalised access to the A1 Modena Sud motorway toll booth.

The route will be approximately 5,270 m which do not include a further 1,000 m for the initial and final junctions with the local road system.

The initiative is part of the compensatory works for the expansion of the A1 Milano-Napoli motorway to the Fourth lane on the Modena Brennero (A22) - Bologna Borgo Panigale (A1) section.

On 5 January 2023, the construction design was categorised as 'public utility' by the Ministry of Infrastructure and, following the expropriation of the areas, the construction sites will be ready to start the activities, whose overall duration is set at 18 months.

Interventions to foster the territory

The main objectives underlying the design study were:

  • More balanced distribution of traffic flows from the south-east area;
  • Direct interconnection between the ring road system and the Modena motorway toll booth;
  • Complete externalisation of significant percentages of flows, in particular heavy vehicles.

The aforementioned drivers underline the strategic role the infrastructure plays for local mobility and for the more complex and articulated transport framework of the upper Modenese plain.

Description of the asset

The project includes the widening to the third lane of the section between Bologna Arcoveggio (km 0+871) and the existing Ferrara Sud junction (km 33+738), for approximately 32.9 km.

The intervention also includes:

  • the adaptation of the acceleration and deceleration lanes of the existing junctions (Bologna Arcoveggio, Bologna Interporto, Altedo, Ferrara Sud) and the Bentivoglio Service Area;
  • the demolition of 30 overpasses and the reconstruction of 26 of them.

Following the sharing of the project choices with the Local Authorities, which took place during the EIA procedure, positively concluded in 2018, the urban conformity of the project was acquired as a result of the Conference of Services held on 10 May 2022, the constraint for the expropriation was affixed and the State - Emilia Romagna Region Agreement was reached.

Once the expropriation procedures were completed, the Construction Design was forwarded to the Ministry. Pending the approval by the Grantor and the declaration of Public Utility, certain preliminary works (known as "Lot 0") were started, such as the provisional renovation of the emergency lane and the setting up of the field facilities and the construction site facilities.

Interventions to foster the territory

  • Metropolitan accessibility: strategic work for accessing the metropolitan area of Bologna and the Province of Ferrara
  • Environmental inclusion: 17.3ha of new green areas for ecological corridors and 4.5ha of woodland compensation;
  • Air quality: -63% NOX and -3% PM10;
  • Noise reduction: approximately 10km of acoustic barriers + 2 direct interventions
  • Water protection: 10% closed and controlled drainage system
  • Adduction road works: retrofitting of Provincial Road 20 and construction of 4 new roundabouts
  • Land works: 2.7 km of new cycle paths
  • Excavated material recovery: 2.3 million cubic metres produced, and 1.5 million cubic metres reused (about 70%)
  • Photovoltaic system: installation of a new 3.3 MW photovoltaic system.

Description of the asset

The intervention consists in widening the 27 km between Ponte Rizzoli and the Ravenna junction from 3 to 4 lanes plus the emergency lane; this is done where high traffic levels reach daily peaks of more than 90,000 vehicles (and about 20,000 trucks and coaches). The A14 Bologna - Bari - Taranto motorway corridor runs along the Adriatic ridge of Italy, parallel to the A1 Milano - Napoli corridor that runs along the Tyrrhenian ridge.

In its first section, the A14 crosses the Bologna motorway junction, which thus represents an interconnection junction between the two aforementioned Italian corridors and is located in the centre of the regional motorway network, of which it represents the main interconnection.

Following the approval of the Construction Design with limitations, which took place with the MIMS Decree of 3.3.22, the required preliminary activities started (ante operam environmental monitoring, area acquisition, war reclamation, archaeological investigations, interference resolution).

In addition, preliminary activities (so-called Lot 0) were delivered in October 2022 and are currently being carried out.

Interventions to foster the territory

These interventions, included in the construction design, serve to improve the conditions of the territory crossed by the section and consist in the construction of the new Toscanella and Solarolo junctions, with roundabouts to connect to the provincial roads, the installation of acoustic barriers for a total of 15 km, and the construction of green environmental mitigation works (wooded areas).

Description of the asset

The project envisages upgrading to the third lane with widening of the motorway section between pk 88+600 (Svincolo di Monselice) and pk 100+850 (A13 interconnection with the motorway section connecting to the A4) for a total length of approximately 12.25 km.

The intervention also includes:

  • the retrofitting of the acceleration and deceleration lanes of the existing junctions (Monselice, Terme Euganee, A4/A13 Interconnection) and the San Pelagio Service Area;
  • the demolition and reconstruction of 12 overpasses.

Following the sharing of the project choices with the Local Authorities, which took place during the EIA procedure, positively concluded in 2018, the urban compliance of the Design was acquired with the Directorial Decree no. 6362 dated 30.03.2022 as a result of the positive conclusion of the Conference Services, the constraint for the expropriation was affixed and the State - Veneto Region Agreement was reached.

Once the expropriation publication procedures were completed, the Construction Design was forwarded to the Ministry for the subsequent approval by the Grantor and the simultaneous declaration of Public Utility.

Interventions to foster the territory

  • Metropolitan accessibility: strategic work for accessing the Padua metropolitan area;
  • Environmental integration: 3ha of green interventions;
  • Air quality: -63% NOX and -25% PM10;
  • Noise reduction: approximately 8.4 km of acoustic barriers;
  • Water protection: 100% closed and controlled drainage system;
  • Adduction road works: construction of 1 roundabout and 2 interchange car parks;
  • Land works: 2.4 km of new cycle paths;
  • Recovery of excavated materials: 1.0 million cubic metres produced and 0.7 million cubic metres reused (about 71%);
  • Compensation works for the territory: financing of road works, cycle paths and hydraulic risk reduction.

Description of the asset

The intervention consists in the construction of the new Rioveggio junction, located further north than the existing one, at km 222 of the A1 Motorway - Panoramica, with the relative entrance ramps. This intervention was partially performed in previous years but adapting the construction design to the changed context of the technical reference standards has now become crucial.

The project envisages the construction and/or completion of major and minor assets, hydraulic structures, toll station area and station facilities. The construction of a three-arm roundabout between the junction ramps and the SP325 via Val di Setta is also planned.

Interventions to foster the territory

The work mainly concerns the municipality of Monzuno and will have the main effect of fostering and encouraging the development of the Val di Setta area. Specifically, the works will contribute to the expansion and growth of the industrial and commercial hub near the new junction.

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